Strathmore School of Tourism and Hospitality

STH Conducts Survey on Value of Work in the Home

The School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH) has partnered with Home Renaissance Foundation (HRF) in its international research project, the Global Home Index (GHI).

The Global Home Index’s main objective is to evaluate how the amount of work required to build and care for healthy, thriving home environments is understood and valued throughout the world. It also aims to raise awareness among survey participants about the value of their own work in the home as a contribution to human development.

The quantitative data for this international research project will be collected via online questionnaire and will be based on the results of theoretical and qualitative studies carried out in 37 countries.

The Global Home Index (GHI) is an initiative of Home Renaissance Foundation (HRF) whose purpose is to bring about change in our understanding of the professional dimension of the work in the home for a well-balanced society.

According to HRF: Domestic work is not merely a collection of services such as laundry, cleaning, and cooking. It is a values system in which science, art, psychology, culture, skills and an aptitude for management all play a part. Work in the home allows the individual to develop in his or her most intimate environment: the home and the relationships that flourish within it. Every individual needs this care whether they are children, elderly, adolescents or men and women with demanding and stressful professions.

Home Renaissance Foundation aims to promote and develop greater recognition of the importance of the work required to create a home which meets the fundamental needs of individual and family and its crucial role in creating a more humane society.

Therefore, Home Renaissance Foundation in collaboration with Strathmore University School of Tourism and Hospitality, welcomes you to participate in this Global Home Index research project which will allow you to examine the crucial relationships that you are developing in your own home.

The questionnaire only takes 15 minutes to complete. It will provide an assessment of how well your home is organized, how you are creating a home through excellent relationships with your loved ones and the quality of life you are enjoying at work and at home.

STH looks forward to your private and confidential responses to the questionnaire, which is being used all over the world. The results obtained will give us a global vision on the topic of “The Home”.

School of Tourism And Hospitality Conduct Research On Single Tourist Visa

During a Focus Group Discussion

The School of Tourism And Hospitality (STH) of Strathmore University has been commissioned by the Kenya Tourism Federation (KTF) to conduct a survey on the level of awareness on the Single Tourist Visa (STV), an arrangement that was recently adopted by Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, and the use of National ID by the citizens of the three countries to cross borders.

The project will focus on awareness amongst cross border travelers, as well as policy enforcement institutions and agencies of the government. This study comes in the wake of challenges facing tourism in Kenya and the general expectation amongst the tourism fraternity; that the STV would be part of the solution to the myriad challenges facing the tourism industry in our country.

STH has put together a team of researchers to carry out the study and has involved select hospitality and tourism students in data collection. A team of three students each were sent to the different borders in Busia and Malaba, and at Mombasa airport and JKIA.

A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also conducted which sought to address the following objectives:

  • Establishing the level of awareness amongst the travel and tourism trade and allied fraternity
  • Examining the general expectations in the light of this arrangement
  • Identifying the challenges and barriers to this cause
  • Exploring mitigating frameworks for the challenges and barriers
  • Proposing mechanisms to be used to foster closer engagement between the government, institutions and private sector with regards to STV and use of National ID to cross borders

The FGD participants were representatives from the different hospitality and tourism sectors. They included: the academia, hotel industry, travel and tour companies, private tourism enterprises, government tourism institutions, and county tourism representatives.

The result of the study will be presented to the Kenya Tourism Federation before it is made public.

CTH Conducts Survey on Value of Work in the Home

The Centre for Tourism and Hospitality (CTH) has partnered with Home Renaissance Foundation (HRF) in its international research project, the Global Home Index (GHI).

The Global Home Index’s main objective is to evaluate how the amount of work required to build and care for healthy, thriving home environments is understood and valued throughout the world. It also aims to raise awareness among survey participants about the value of their own work in the home as a contribution to human development.

The quantitative data for this international research project will be collected via online questionnaire and will be based on the results of theoretical and qualitative studies carried out in 37 countries.

The Global Home Index (GHI) is an initiative of Home Renaissance Foundation (HRF) whose purpose is to bring about change in our understanding of the professional dimension of the work in the home for a well-balanced society.

According to HRF: Domestic work is not merely a collection of services such as laundry, cleaning, and cooking. It is a values system in which science, art, psychology, culture, skills and an aptitude for management all play a part. Work in the home allows the individual to develop in his or her most intimate environment: the home and the relationships that flourish within it. Every individual needs this care whether they are children, elderly, adolescents or men and women with demanding and stressful professions.

Home Renaissance Foundation aims to promote and develop greater recognition of the importance of the work required to create a home which meets the fundamental needs of individual and family and its crucial role in creating a more humane society.

Therefore, Home Renaissance Foundation in collaboration with Strathmore University Centre for Tourism and Hospitality, welcomes you to participate in this Global Home Index research project which will allow you to examine the crucial relationships that you are developing in your own home.

The questionnaire only takes 15 minutes to complete. It will provide an assessment of how well your home is organized, how you are creating a home through excellent relationships with your loved ones and the quality of life you are enjoying at work and at home.

CTH looks forward to your private and confidential responses to the questionnaire, which is being used all over the world. The results obtained will give us a global vision on the topic of “The Home”.

Center For Tourism And Hospitality Conduct Research On Single Tourist Visa

During a Focus Group Discussion

The Centre for Tourism and Hospitality (CTH) of Strathmore University has been commissioned by the Kenya Tourism Federation (KTF) to conduct a survey on the level of awareness on the Single Tourist Visa (STV), an arrangement that was recently adopted by Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, and the use of National ID by the citizens of the three countries to cross borders.

The project will focus on awareness amongst cross border travelers, as well as policy enforcement institutions and agencies of the government. This study comes in the wake of challenges facing tourism in Kenya and the general expectation amongst the tourism fraternity; that the STV would be part of the solution to the myriad challenges facing the tourism industry in our country.

CTH has put together a team of researchers to carry out the study and has involved select hospitality and tourism students in data collection. A team of three students each were sent to the different borders in Busia and Malaba, and at Mombasa airport and JKIA.

A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also conducted which sought to address the following objectives:

  • Establishing the level of awareness amongst the travel and tourism trade and allied fraternity
  • Examining the general expectations in the light of this arrangement
  • Identifying the challenges and barriers to this cause
  • Exploring mitigating frameworks for the challenges and barriers
  • Proposing mechanisms to be used to foster closer engagement between the government, institutions and private sector with regards to STV and use of National ID to cross borders

The FGD participants were representatives from the different hospitality and tourism sectors. They included: the academia, hotel industry, travel and tour companies, private tourism enterprises, government tourism institutions, and county tourism representatives.

The result of the study will be presented to the Kenya Tourism Federation before it is made public.